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Need to know a little more about PB Muffler®?
Checkout the information below.
Is PB Muffler® approved by USA Pickleball?Yes. PB MUFFLER was the FIRST to be approved by USA Pickleball in the "Quiet Equipment" category for recreational gameplay, non-sanctioned tournament play and other such local events. Visit USA Pickleball at
PB MUFFLER® Product OverviewPB Muffler® PRODUCT PERFORMANCE PROFILE The Pickleball Muffler (product trade name PB Muffler® at has been approved and published by USA Pickleball on the Quiet Equipment Category List for use in recreational tournaments and local gameplay for all skill rating levels. Independent Lab testing on the Pickleball Muffler shows the PB Muffler® product delivers superior lowered sound and pitch performance at the paddle/ball impact point during gameplay for both fiberglass and carbon faced paddles. The sound level when using PB Muffler® on a fiberglass faced paddle will drop over 8 dB and the normal high pitch "pop” will be dampened, resulting in a mild "thump”. Adding PB Muffler® to an already quieter paddle, such as a 16 mm T700 carbon faced paddle, will make that combination quieter by over 5 decibels in comparison to current competitive paddle noise solutions, and at a lower pitch resulting in a mild "thump”. Using the Monarch gen 2 outdoor ball with the PB Muffler® product with either faced paddle can, additionally, lower gameplay paddle noise level another 4 dB, delivering a 9-12 dB range noise decrease along with a pitch frequency in paddle vibration below 500 Hz. The PB Muffler® performance results at the point of paddle/ball impact will calm nearby annoyed ears in HOAs, residential communities, and vacation sites, allowing regular pickleball gameplay for all skill levels in serves, dinks, spins, and volleys of any force. Using the easy- on/easy-off PB Muffler® on a player’s current USA Pickleball approved paddle enables gameplay to dampen to normal conversation levels, approaching 60-55 dB, and at a budget friendly cost under $40. Consider a dual pickleball paddle noise attack plan to calm nearby annoyed ears and reduce lawsuits within any enraged community. Use PB Muffler® for noise reduction at the paddle/ball impact point in tandem with a court surround sound barrier product to absorb, reduce or, redirect the traveling paddle impact noise. Indoor pickleball facilities can offer, request, or encourage players, through pricing alternatives, to use a PB Muffler® in gameplay as a precautionary step for both player hearing loss and facility liability protection. Thousands of players could attest to the paddle noise reduction with PB Muffler® – you can hear for yourself immediately at the following FAQ “PB Muffler® "QUIET” Comparison”.
Is there any professional testing report on PB Muffler® performance in “QUIETING” game play?YES! Here is a summary followed by the full report. PB Muffler® PERFORMANCE REPORT: Robert M Unetich, PE SUMMARY: “If you are in a situation where the quietest paddles can be required and the paddles do not need to be tournament approved, the choice of the Q1 and Monarch combination is worth considering. The PB Muffler® on your current paddle with a Monarch ball is a budget friendly alternative for delivering next best results. “ (The PB Muffler® rated as the “next best ‘QUIET play alternative” is under $40 allowing use of your current USAPA 24 inch rule approved paddle compared to When available, purchasing a new Q-1 paddle is reported to cost $169.) REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 Last week we ran a series of sound tests on some of the quietest pickleball gear available, including the Master Athletics Q1 paddle and the PB Muffler® attached to several different paddles, along with tests comparing a harder ball, the Franklin-X, and a softer (but USA Pickleball approved) ball, the Monarch Outdoor ball. We did these tests using an ordinary 1/2 inch thick fiberglass-faced paddle (which was a Paddletek Element) with the Frankiln-X ball as our reference sound level (which we will call zero dB below). Here are our observations: If the reference paddle sound with a hard hit was zero dB, the switch to the Monarch ball on the same paddle reduced the sound level by about 3 dB. Inserting one black foam pad into the PB Muffler® dropped the sound level for hard hits by about 3 more dB. That increased to 4 decibels when the recommended two pad layers of black foam were inserted in the Muffler. It is worth noting that the PB Muffler® drops the sound level over the reference paddle even more with softer hits, or about 7 dB during our tests, but let’s recognize that even in recreational play it is the hard hits that trouble the neighbors. The Master Athletics Q1 dropped the sound level by 3.7 dB with the Franklin-X ball and another 4 dB with the Monarch ball, for a total reduction of almost 8 decibels. This was the quietest combination tested. Adding the PB Muffler® to the Q1 had little effect, since it seems to primarily decrease the sound level of higher pitch paddles and the Q1 has a pitch about 2 octaves below the reference paddle. In terms of actual data, we saw no reduction in sound level when the Q1 and Monarch ball were compared to the Q1 and Monarch ball with the PB Muffler® installed. This indicates that the PB Muffler® mainly decreases the sound level of higher pitch vibrations, making it a means of quieting the sound of pickleball in a comparatively acceptable 4-5 decibel range without forcing the purchase of new paddles. If you are in a situation where the quietest paddles can be required and the paddles do not need to be tournament approved, the choice of the Q1 and Monarch combination is worth considering. The PB Muffler® on your current paddle with a Monarch ball is a budget friendly alternative for delivering next best results. Bob Unetich PROFILE: Robert M Unetich, PE Bob is the founder of PSM LLC. He is a registered professional engineer and he has worked in consulting for over 40 years. In 2014, he became an avid pickleball player and was asked to investigate ways that the sound of pickleball might be reduced in level at residences near his winter home in Florida. That work involved careful analysis of work done by acoustics engineers and at methods of reducing the level of annoyance experienced by neighbors of pickleball courts. This led to a study of how pickleball sounds are generated and propagated. He has now been working in pickleball sound mitigation since 2014 and frequently offers pickleball product testing results, advice, and formal consulting services to communities, pickleball clubs, and those living near established pickleball courts and locations considering or being converted to pickleball courts. Bob is a respected and sought-after pickleball sound mitigation professional. He is a USA Pickleball Certified Referee, an Ambassador, and a PPR Certified Pickleball Instructor. Bob initiated, monitors, and responds to pickleball inquiries and related issues on the Facebook Sound Mitigation page.
PBMuffler® "QUIET" ComparisonPickleball players enjoy the ‘pop-click’ sound of the paddle striking the plastic ball. Nearby ears in HOA communities, residential areas and vacation sites find the ‘pop-click’ annoying. Two pickleball paddles, both same make and model; one with the PB MUFFLER® and one without demonstrate the sound difference at the point of ball contact.
Do PBMUFFLER® product options deliver the same performance?Two PBMUFFLER® products deliver the same “QUIET” Category performance in paddle noise reduction changing the loud “pop-click” to a “mild thump”. The two product options deliver large “sweet spot” coverage along with your fabric sleeve selection (patterned or solid color). The DIY KIT (Do-It-Yourself Kit) offers fabric sleeve choice along with instructions and materials to build custom sound absorber pads to fit your specific paddle model.
When would you use the PB Muffler® accessory?PB Muffler® would be used on pickleball courts that are within or nearby HOA communities, residential areas and vacation sites. PB Muffler® opens opportunities to play anywhere and any time of day, and shields nearby non-players from the loud “pop-click” noise without any change in game play.
How can board members of an HOA residential community or vacation site assist in their responsibilities to QUIET pickleball noise?The leadership, Boards and Managers in the HOA, residential community and vacation sites managers can contact customer service at PBMuffler® for information on the “Club Plan”. The “Club Plan” arrangement would have PBMuffler®s on site for immediate purchase so that players who want to play pickleball on your courts can purchase PBMuffler® from the stock your location would have on hand.
How would board members of an HOA or residence or vacation sites address the problem of the Pickleball Noise?It is suggested that a hybrid approach be made in an attempt to resolve conflict and squabbles concerning the pickleball “pop-click” noise. A hybrid approach would involve an appeal or a mandatory requirement to the players to help resolve the noise problem by using the PBMuffler® to QUIET the annoying noise to nearby ears. The leadership, Boards and Managers in the HOA, residential community and vacation sites would inform the local non-players of the players’ compromise, at their personal expense, to QUIET the “pop-click” noise by using a paddle accessory to reduce the noise, thereby eliminating squabbles and lawsuit contention.
How does PBMuffler® assist the HOA, residential and vacation site communities?In many cases, the leadership, Boards and Managers in the HOA, residential community and vacation sites have to make difficult choices to honor requests from the pickleball players and non-players. Choices to split the baby are difficult. PBMuffler® can bring a significant degree of satisfaction and compromise to all parties. PBMuffler® will QUIET the noise at the game level eliminating alternative options of expensive sound screening and enforcing restricted hours of play. PBMuffler® offers the choice for players to take the positive action step with a low-cost accessory in delivering a compromise on the noise issue that should satisfy all parties.
Stand-alone or combine PB Muffler® and SOUND BARRIERS for noise reduction?Each delivers noise reduction value. PB Muffler®, as an inexpensive personal game accessory, reduces noise at the point of paddle-ball contact – thereby immediately “quieting” the generated decibel reading. Barriers, described as a community-taxpayer solution, can contain, diminish, reflect or absorb the paddle-ball noise at distance and after the paddle noise has been generated. Combining PB Muffler® and Barriers in a noise reduction plan may be an appropriate cost-effective solution without having to close or relocate pickleball courts involved in contentious community situations.
How long will the sound absorber pads be effective?The sound absorber pads receive the paddle-ball impact, compress, and return to shape after each paddle strike. The pads will function for an extended period of time, depending on a player’s game style and frequency of play. The life of a pad for a ‘smash player’ compared to a ‘dink player’ will naturally be shorter. In either case or combination of play; it should last for months. Having a spare sound absorber pad set on hand available for replacement is recommended when you determine pad replacement is required.
Do I need a spare set of sound absorbing pads?PB MUFFLER® sound absorber pads positioned on each paddle face reduce the paddle “pop-click” and loudness during gameplay to a “mild thump”. Pads will wear depending on gameplay style. Ordering an extra set(s) of pads at original order time is a way to have spare pads available when you decide a change-out is required.
Is there a warranty on the ‘Sound Absorber Pads’?Photos show there will be some compression to the ‘Sound Absorber Pads’ resulting from continuous ball striking in gameplay. These photos are of a test paddle that was in continuous indoor/outdoor 3.5-4.0+ play over a 7+ months logging 480+ games, typically playing 4-5 games in any day’s session. The test paddle pads were kept in the same positions without pad rotation to visually determine and measure compression wear from continuous ball strikes. Periodically we viewed pad wear, compression, and movement. As the photos show, there can be some edge wear on the pads from pad slippage/ movement on the outside pads (closest to the fabric). The pads are not a forever item and will experience compression indentation and could develop some edge wear. You can expect the same pad performance and durability from both the single pads and the DIY KIT pads. There is no warranty or replacement on the ‘Sound Absorber Pads’. Pad rotation using the obverse side, when needed, will lengthen PB Muffler® performance for continued “QUIET” play.
Paddle Weight Awareness for Pickleball Paddles?The PB Muffler® fabric under (0.4oz) with Pads (total under 0.8oz) is equivalent to 11 pennies in weight. You may already know manufacturers try for and publish a specific weight for each paddle, however, they may not achieve that published weight in 100% of the paddles delivered. With weight being a personal, and often discussed issue involving control and power, you may want to weigh your paddle. Be aware it may vary from the published weight as a drop of glue in construction, a glue amount variance on the grip (or a combination of both), or even a slight weight variance in the basic raw materials can add or lessen paddle weight typically unaware to the player. PB Muffler® adds less than 1.2 ounces to paddle weight giving a bit more power to your shots while delivering a “QUIETER” game in deference to nearby annoyed ears.
What is Pickleball Muffler and how does it work?Pickleball Muffler is a removable, lightweight stretchable fabric sleeve with sound absorbers that covers the paddle face and frame to QUIET the ‘pop-click’ paddle noise. Both the single sound absorber pad and custom DIY KIT pads deliver the same "QUIET" mild thump.
Does the PB Muffler® affect my game play?The PB Muffler® does not affect game play and has been rigorously tested by players becoming a player responsible accessory and viable solution to minimize the ‘POP-CLICK” noise without affecting game play. Serves, spins, ball bounce, dinks and volleys of any force play the same.
Is pickleball paddle-ball impact noise a factor in returning volleys in gameplay?Pickleball paddle-ball impact noise is only a by-product of the equipment used in the game. The impact noise is an insignificant factor in returning volleys in pickleball gameplay. Certainly, many hold personal opinions and will debate that noise is a factor so let’s take a closer, realistic look at pickleball paddle-ball impact noise in gameplay. Reacting to a volley return depends way more on the opponent’s visual signals such as body position, paddle return angle, arm position to gauge the return force, and height of the ball to name a few inputs. These visual signals are way higher on the information list than an opponent’s dependence in returning a volley of any force based on paddle noise. People say prove it. Okay. Here is an experiment ‘noise’ setup example delivering proof that eliminates incidental distractions and opinions. Set up a doubles or singles match - - - your choice. One side has vision but is unable to hear (sound block with a noise-eliminating headset). The opposing side can hear paddle noise but has no vision (play using an eye mask as used for sleeping). For me, I’ll take the vision player side over the noise (sound) player side as to who wins the match. Any bet takers?
Is there a minimum order?One is the minimum order. FREE SHIPPING for minimum orders of $299 or more when the entire order ships to one address.
Why purchase a PB MUFFLER®?PBMuffler® is a player responsible accessory to help QUIET play without affecting any aspect of the game. PBMuffler® will deaden, dampen and QUIET the paddle “pop-click” noise to a “mild thump”. PBMuffler® directly contributes to reducing player and public contention, squabbles and lawsuits.
How long will my order take?PBMuffler® guarantees your personalized order will arrive within 10-12 business days. RUSH shipping is available for a fee, typically $15.00 plus shipping options other than standard delivery.
Why would the PB Muffler® be needed?The PB Muffler® reduces the 'pop-click' noise to a “mild thump” at the time the solid PB paddle face strikes the hard plastic game ball delivering more than 50% noise relief with decibel reduction (loudness) to conversation range, calming nearby annoyed ears.
Is the PB Muffler® permanent?No - the PB Muffler® is a stretchable fabric sleeve that is easily slipped on and easily removed from the paddle frame.
What happens if my PB Muffler® gets wet?The PB Muffler® is not affected if it gets wet. The PB Muffler® is washable even with the personal customization option
What is the purpose of the fabric Sleeve and the foam Sound Absorber Pads ?The stretchable fabric sleeve covers, holds and anchors the pads on the "sweet spot" on each paddle face to "QUIET" the "pop-click" noise at the impact point. The PB Muffler products assemble without glue applied to the paddle surface or encountering glue residue issues.
Where is the PB Muffler® Made?The Pickleball Muffler® is made in the USA. The patented Pickleball Muffler is manufactured in Ohio with all components sourced from within the USA.
How does the PB Muffler® function?PBMuffler® deadens, dampens and QUIETS the “pop-click” noise to a “mild thump” at the paddle/ball striking point dissipating the generated paddle noise at the point of impact.
Does PB Muffler® come with any options?Yes, there are several options available including choice of solid colored or artistic patterned sleeves, personalization options for images, logos, motivating messages, paddle owner’s name, and emergency contact information.
What form of payment do you accept?We take Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover.
How do you place the PB Muffler® on the paddle?
What is the value of the PB Muffler® to the pickleball game?PB Muffler® allows a player to take personal responsibility to lower the noise generated to become an easy, low-cost solution to ease tensions and squabbles generated from pickleball paddle noise.
What do players say about the PB MUFFLER® performance?Check out our testimonials!
What peacemaker role can the PB Muffler® contribute to pickleball?A good question from a pickleball player. Every pickleball player enjoys the paddle 'click' noise when striking the plastic game ball in a serve or volley. Problem is not everyone nearby is a pickleball player and can become annoyed by the repeated paddle noise from multiple courts where many players are striking the ball resulting in a constant, machine gun sound. Homeowners to nearby courts and even members of indoor recreation facilities with open, shared activity areas are frustrated by the intrusive paddle noise to the point of filing noise lawsuits on a variety of plaintiff grounds. PB Muffler® accessory is a player responsible action that can QUIET paddle noise in meeting offended ears halfway to a compromise solution. From a community cooperation viewpoint, the PB Muffler® serves both the player and the community in providing an inexpensive, player initiated solution rather than a court battle having only one winning side. PB Muffler® offers added opportunity to prevent or conserve community taxes for moving existing courts, installing acoustical wrapping, limiting pickleball playing hours and lessening community infighting allowing all sides a win-win outcome. PB Muffler® "QUIETS" the game without affecting one's game play for serves, spins, returns, ball bounce, dinks, and volleys of any striking force.
Is a PB Muffler® expensive?Expensive is a relative measurement. PB Muffler® is a quality product sourced and manufactured in the USA. One comparison, among many, could be made to purchasing a bottle of wine for a restaurant night out – even just ordering 2 glasses of wine to make it a fair cost comparison. PB Muffler® will deliver ‘QUIET’ performance and continuing personal pleasure for many a pickleball game long after one can even remember the name of that comparable wine expense.
How does PB Muffler® affect the paddle weight issue?Paddle weight is a personal issue involving decisions for ball control, power and even “bodily injury potential”. In most cases, as with any judgment decision, the individual has to make a choice as to what is best for them in their personal situation. The PB Muffler® adds 1.2 oz. of weight to a paddle [+/– 0.1 oz.) depending on fabric weight. Paddle weight for mid-range models vary from 7.3-8.4 ounces. Interesting “WEIGHT FUN FACT” on the weight topic is that The Apple 14 Pro model weighs 8.4 ounces. Continuously, throughout the day, individuals are waving and doing twisting wrist/arm movements while using their mobile phone without concern their ”8.4 ounce phone” (not counting the protective case weight) may possibly also deliver an unfortunate wrist, elbow, arm or shoulder injury. A single penny coin is equal to one-tenth of an ounce (0.1 ounce). Controversy on paddle weight for the individual will continue to exist. Wayne Dollard, a 5.0 player, Pickleball Magazine owner, and publisher, addresses paddle weight in the Spring issue 2023 in the following article, “Choosing the Right Paddle”: This article goes into detail about the weight of a paddle even surprisingly stating, “My advice would be, if you don’t have some debilitating arm injury, then side with a heavier paddle. PADDLE WEIGHT Let me start by saying that I like heavier paddles! Possibly the #1 most important and easy-to- understand thing that will affect the play of a paddle is the weight. Some people argue that their reflexes are slower with an 8 oz. paddle versus a 7 oz. comparable model; however, if you’re basing your dinking game decisions on reflex play, you’ve probably got this all wrong. Manufacturers and virtually all touring pros agree that the added weight allows for less effort to hit stronger, more accurate shots. They would also agree that heavier paddles have larger sweet-spots and are better for blocking, dinking, driving, serving, and everything else. My advice would be, if you don’t have some debilitating arm injury, then side with a heavier paddle. Do visit another PickleBall Paddle Weight discussion article at
Will gameplay be different with and without the PB Muffler® on my paddle?Short answer is that game play remains the same, only “Quieter”. Game play with PB Muffler® remains the same for serves, returns, spins, dinks, ball bounce action, and volleys of any force. Some say touch may need slight adjustment but also then say any adjustment is easily made after hitting and dinking a few practice strokes. Every player encounters change and adapts their play with every shot in movement, stance, power, or dink stroke and shot strategy to improve their game and meet the dynamic challenges faced during every point played. PickleBall is an action game of movement, strategy, finesse, touch, and power. Unfortunately, it generates a noise level acceptable to players but annoying and unacceptable to nearby ears. The generated paddle noise is not healthy for either players or non-players. PB Muffler® has been designed for the estimated 80-90% recreational players, knowing it reduces the paddle noise allowing play in and on existing courts as a compromise to minimize contention issues with non-players.
Why does a tiny space exist between the Pad edge and the paddle edge?By design there is about a 1/8 inch (+/-) space surrounding and between the Pad edge and the paddle edge to fit the vast majority of paddles. The stretchable PB Muffler® sleeve and Pad design fits rectangular or elongated paddle in compliance with the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) specifications that Length + Width cannot exceed 24 inches. There are a large number of paddle manufacturers producing a variety of shaped paddles within these USAPA specifications. The stretchable PB Muffler® fits these paddle shapes despite each paddle shape outline varying by fractions in length and width design. In some paddle designs, side edges of the Sound Absorber Pad may need a slight trim for a better fit. Trimming instructions are provided with each Pad set. Should there be any Pad movement under the stretchable sleeve, the paddle’s sweet spot remains positioned. Should the slight pad movement be of concern use a strip of double-sided adhesive tape to anchor the pad to the paddle face. The top four top base paddle shapes filling the marketplace along with their typical dimensions (+/-) are: Rectangular: Standard Shape: 15 3/4” x 7 7/8” Rectangular Wide Body Shape: 16” x 8” Elongated Thin Body Shape: 16 1/2” x 7 1/4” Elongated Blade Shape: 17” x 6 7/8”
What value does the PB MUFFLER deliver?The PB Muffler® reduces the paddle-ball noise at the point paddle noise is generated. Using the PB Muffler® becomes a compromise solution to the player and any nearby annoyed ears. Gameplay action does not change in serves, returns, spins, dinks, ball bounce or volleys for the player while nearby annoyed ears receive significant noise relief.
Can the Sound Absorber Pads be positioned in different configurations?Pads are included with each PB Muffler® purchase option to deliver ‘Quiet Results”. Pads deaden paddle-ball noise at impact time delivering “noise relief” heard as a “mild thump” to the nearby non-player ears. Since Pickleball players use a variety of soft to heavy striking forces, individuals can be creative and choose the Pad placement configuration that best suits their game. For example: 2 Pads on the forehand side or use 1 on each paddle face. Point the single pad’s pointed end towards the paddle handle to lock in the full “sweet spot” hitting area under the sleeve.
Can PB MUFFLER be used in tournament plays?PB Muffler® was designed specifically for “Quieter” recreational play without players changing any aspect of their game involving serves, returns, spins, dinks, ball bounce and volleys of any force. Recreational play, not tournaments, account easily for the highest percentage of gameplay and unwelcomed noise. PB Muffler® use in professional level USAPA sanctioned tournaments is not foreseen at this time. PB Muffler® is authorized for gameplay by USAPA for all local, club, neighborhood tournaments, as there is no difference in game play or advantage/disadvantage other than the paddle noise is “Quieter”. Pickleball is a game structured and played for action as its primary purpose, not to generate paddle noise.
‘Sweet Spot’ hitting with PB Muffler®.The ‘Sweet Spot’ paddle area is covered and locked in place with the fabric sleeve. Miss-hits outside the PB Muffler® ‘Sweet Spot” and if close to the outside paddle edge will perform or deflect as an errant shot/return in the same manner as without having a PB Muffler®. In fact, often the PB Muffler® may cover up a player’s ball striking error
Is paddle noise in pickleball gameplay ‘QUIETED’ by PB Muffler®?Paddle Noise ranks low in being a necessary component in pickleball gameplay but certainly tops the rankings for irritation and annoyance from ears in nearby Homeowners Associations (HOA) and surrounding residential areas. Paddle Noise results when a HARD SURFACED PADDLE strikes a HARD PLASTIC BALL. This PADDLE/BALL impact generates impulse-based loudness (decibels)and pitch (frequency)in delivering a continuous stream of overlapping, intermittent, distracting, penetrating noise jolts. PB Muffler® “QUIETS” pickleball paddle noise with a fabric sleeve that encloses Sound Absorber Pads that dampen, dull, and quiet the paddle noise impact to a “MILD THUMP”. The PB Muffler® is a patented, effective, practical solution to quiet paddle noise without having to buy a new paddle or apply products that involve permanent/temporary glueing or having to remove any glue residue from the paddle face. The PB Muffler® (under $40)has professional sound lab measurements certification and field proven performance. PB Muffler® fits rectangular and elongated paddles in compliance with the USA Pickleball 24-inch paddle requirement. Paddle "Pop-Click" NOISE is not a necessary factor for player effectiveness in gameplay. Sight, viewing an opponent's body position, paddle angle, and arm force are the important factors in preparing to position and return a volley. NOISE vs SIGHT importance is easily proven by having opposing players, one blindfolded and one with covered ears conduct a match. PB Muffler® offers players a solution to compromise on noise issues with nearby Homeowners Associations (HOA) and residential areas for “QUIET” gameplay the entire day or scheduling specific “Loud & Quiet Play” times. PB Muffler® delivers the same gameplay without any change to serves, returns, spins, dinks, and forceful volleys ... just “QUIETER”. Sharing an agreed upon gameplay schedule for “Loud & Quiet Play” periods can become one step in the right direction for compromise.
Why should I customize my PB Muffler®?Customizing your PB Muffler® allows you to give your game image a personality all its own! You can have your name added for paddle identification along with a motivating message and an image of your choice, such as a pet, favorite scene or create a personal design to be centered on the PB Muffler® sleeve. You must be the owner of any image. We reserve the right to refuse images that go against our copyright policy.
What will my custom PBMuffler® look like?Just a few samples of what your PBMuffler® could be
Is it hard to design or place images for my custom PB Muffler® sleeve?No. With the PB Muffler® design tool it’s easy to select customization options from the drop downs, complete the Customize my PB Muffler® form for each sleeve ordered upload an image, and click checkout. Then just wait for the magic to arrive in the mail! Just be sure you own or have permission to use the image.
How do I know my image will work on the PBMuffler® sleeve fabric?The factors affecting the quality of the image on your sleeve fabric include resolution and design. If image resolution is too low it may come out looking blurry. Or if your design is too detailed, the sleeve fabric may not be the place for it. In general, clear, bold, simple designs work best on the sleeve fabric.
What types of images can I put on my PBMuffler® sleeve fabric?You can put almost any image you want on a sleeve (and any words too!). Keep in mind that simple, clear graphics work best on the fabric. Just be sure you own or have permission to use the image.
I have an idea for an image…Can PBMuffler® help?Yes! Send your inquiry to
Can I see what my PBMuffler® sleeve looks like before I purchase them?Coming Soon! You will be able to see your custom design . Your order will be reviewed and should we catch “something” we will contact you concerning the issue before completing the order.
What Kind of Font is available for my PB Muffler®?Below are the Fonts currently available for customization of your PB Muffler®.
Do you have other items to match my PBMuffler®?More items coming soon!
Should I order additional Sound Absorber Pads at original order time?The Sound Absorber Pads will last with extended play and normal care when “QUIET” play is required. Frequent removal of the PBMuffler® pads can result in being misplaced, forgotten on the bench or mysteriously lost. Extra pads purchased with the original order makes economic sense as any separate follow on order for only pads would incur the full shipping charge.
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